Tuesday, September 25, 2007


This is pretty cool. Expect more samurai postings from me. Taking two Japanese studies modules this sem.

Akang datang: New Evangelion movie!

I am starting to get the feeling the whole trajectory of my education is closely influenced by my boyhood love for anime, from Japanese history in Samurai Kenshin to war and destruction in Evangelion and Gundam Wing. A pity I lost, along with my crashed hard-disk, the 3d model of the EVA-01 done for a 3d-modeling course. Maybe I'll write an essay examining the link between Japanese preoccupation with global destruction in pop culture (think Godzilla, Evangelion) and the A-bomb experience. Yes, I'm still loving it!


Tasogare Seibei is such a beautiful samurai movie..

Saturday, September 22, 2007

100th post and it's my birthday!

Celebrated my birthday yesterday at carnivores chijmes. I'm flattered, we have enough in our group to form a football team. Good job lulu! The ambience was fantastic, with the samba music, candles and church in the background. It was meats' galore and everyone's favourite was the beef. The shrimp cocktail was good too. Good places don't come cheap, so the price was a bit steep, and us poor students were grumbling a bit. Nevertheless, I'm glad everyone had a good time!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Another PSLE maths question..

This one stumped me for some time today, to the point I wanted to give up. My brain's not working alright.

Ali and Baba has some money. Ali has $200 more than Baba. Ali gives 60% of his money to Baba, and then Baba gives 25% of his money to Ali. Now Baba has $200 more than Ali. How much does Ali have at first?

It shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to solve this question if you know what to do. The answer is inside the comments link.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Basker in Chicago under Full Moon

There's no full moon in the picture. But the image of that huge moon just over the horizon remains etched in my mind, perhaps because I'm used to seeing it from the equator as from higher latitudes.
As for what the saxophone player was playing, I cannot remember now. I wonder if he picked that spot under the angels to serenade strangers on that lonely night. Strangers who do not know about nor give a damn about his hopes and dreams. Well at least the angels will always be there listening to him.

Sigh, this picture will work much better with a spot of flash on the sax-player. =(

Sunday, September 2, 2007

What is the Matrix?

[T]hat what happened and that which is said to have happened are and are not the same may itself be historical.
-Michel Rolph Trouillot
Eight years after getting a dose of skepticism from Morpheus' "What is real?", I'm dumbfounded by theoretical issues dealing with history. That historians try to explain the metaphysics of their discipline in convoluted arguments doesn't make it any easier. Ugh...