Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Chasing Tail-lights

Met up with wax to get my birthday present-Radiohead's best-of collection. As we drove down the familiar bends behind NUS for our favourite duck rice, I fiddled with the camera in my hands. Tried to get a shot of the raindrops on the windscreen with light bouncing off from the tail-lights. This was as interesting a shot as I could get.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Originally uploaded by Kobacabana.
Saturday afternoon.
A few hours before work.
No spa weekend.
Twenty-two floors above
at a travel photo talk.
It made me yearn
for my blueberry moment,
y'know that movie
where Norah Jones left New York for Memphis
on a whim.
We left before it ended,
Faye and I.
While she's at the ladies
I soaked in this
magnificent cityscape
twenty-two floors below.
No this ain't New York,
but where's Memphis?

Addendum-sigh, Jake said my blueberry moment may never come. Foucaldian anopticons, systems, complacency... whatever. How strange to find an interesting colleague only to see him leave so soon.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Quips from the Crypt

one would.
Originally uploaded by antimethod.
Today I attended my first ever editorial meeting. She looked sheepish as the chief editor fired off trenchant criticisms as she presented the articles in the upcoming issue. I've yet to write my first article, but I imagine how it would feel to have the chief read the first sentence of my first paragraph and remark sardonically:
"Hello? Run out of vocab ah?"

Sunday, September 14, 2008

8th asian film symposium... what a great opening night

As we sat on the posh leather lean-back seats in the picturehouse theatre, ah tan, jo, j-ho and i started gushing about the fabulous deal j-ho got for us tonight. for a mere twelve bucks, we were able to stand first in the buffet line for a delightful spread of local dishes that included very delicious curry chicken in the vip lobby, with second helpings to boot!

kiasu hounds we may be, we were not there solely for the pre-reception food. the main attraction of the event - opening night of the 8th asian film symposium organised by the substation - is the back-to-back lineup of two asian films, 'kawaii' and 'lovers on the road'.

both films fall somewhere in the seldom trodden reaches of the love genre. in 'kawaii', a japanese man and a taiwanese woman come togther for a transient relationship on a roadtrip to another town in taiwan. 'lovers on the road' continues the underlying theme of travel; a hongkong couple relocates in beijing in this long-drawn break-up movie in which separation is painfully inevitable. boy doesn't meet girl and live happily ever after. i'd prefer happy endings, but the whimsical travel scenes worked for me anyway.

it is a pity the theatre was not fully booked. it was an enjoyable sunday night of films. at least there wasn't a crowd jostling for the buffet.

check out the rest of the programmes at the substation website.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Soundtrack my life - under age's song

I've been listening to this song on repeat on my way to work at my new job over the past few days. I have no idea what Kenji's singing in this uplifting song, an apt rhapsody that expresses how I feel about this new part of my life journey.