Wednesday, October 13, 2010

the fullerton hotel

View of Fullerton Hotel from Anderson Bridge

Beautiful isn't it, the Fullerton? I took this shot on my iPhone--its camera is definitely exceeding my expectations. The auto focus and exposure is so intuitive and matches where I want focused when I tap on the spot. It's amazing!

Since the opening of the casinos the number of visitors coming to Singapore has gone up. More and more people will come and admire the lovely colonial architecture alongside the dazzling new casinos and skyscrapers.

Saturday, October 2, 2010



Found 2 haikus from Shanghai trip my itouch transferred to my mailbox without my knowledge.

Down at the west lake
Emperor's tea and pagodaa
Sun drenched, crowd swamped day

Beautiful Suzhou
Gardens stone and museum
Alas have no heart

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

a short story

So there are friends who still keep up with my life through this rather dormant blog. Thought maybe I'll put up this very short account of my journey to work this morning. Maybe it's the hours spent listening to Karl Malentes' gripping Vietnam War novel, I'm inspired to write some of my own nonsensical life down.

morning muse...

With a hundred metres remaining between him and his office, O decided not to take the chance. He swerved into the YMCA, making his way down to the basement and knowing the holy grail is within a minute’s dash.

The toilet auntie looked at him quizzically as he scrambled past her pail filled with detergent water, saying to his back, “Be careful ah, the floor is wet.”

“Ok, thanks!” he replied. He would go in even if there was flood. He was seconds away from his deliverance.

He opened the wrong door. Behind it there was no pit. He cursed himself for it; he had been there a million times before for gym workouts.

“The one on the left. The left,” the cleaner auntie yelled, sensing the urgency in O. He remembered laughing at his shih tzu scrambling and turning frantically on the grass under the same circumstances and thought he must have appeared the same to the auntie.

Finally, he reached the drop zone, started the engines, dropped his wheels, wiped clean the seat and took off. He imagined himself a B-52 pilot on a death mission. He flamed Berlin like there was no tomorrow. He bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki with no remorse.

“Boy, got paper inside?” the cleaner auntie shouted, afraid she might have missed something in her daily to-do checklist. She felt guilty not mopping the place dry, thinking nobody would visit the hell-hole in this hour.

“Got!” He replied, annoyed he couldn’t be left alone in his moment of solace.


“Got! Got! Have!” O shot back, and decided it was time he got back to work.

Thursday, September 23, 2010




Saturday, August 28, 2010




最後、<LIVE TAPE>はすごく斬新なフィルムだ。ショットは一つだけ、カットしなくて、面白いんだ。

Friday, August 27, 2010



Thursday, August 26, 2010




Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shanghai trip haiku


Shanghai in summer.
Tourists packed in sardine tins
and cooked in slow heat.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My first listing on eBay

This is pretty fun, my first listing on eBay to sell off the iPod I got from my friend and there's already a healthy bidding competition over it. (the link button is not working on blogger now, if you want to check out my listing, go to )

This blog's been going through a long limbo. So am I. I will post something soon.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

of samurais and j-rock

It had been so long since I last posted anything, but today I want to highlight the blog, soundofonehandclapping, I haven't visited for months. The link will take you to her story about a restaurant in Kyoto and the intrigue and liaisons that took place there during the bakumatsu - politically tumultuous period in Japan leading to the end of samurai rule. Or basically my favourite history. Ever.

The romantic idealism of the bakumatsu has fascinated me ever since I watched the Rurouni Kenshin anime when I was a kid. So fascinated I majored in history only to realise a) there weren't many Japanese history modules available and b) samurais didn't fight all that much during the Tokugawa period, except towards the end where the anime's story takes place.

Hmm.. Japan history and J-rock, in the form of L'arc en ciel. Hardly anything has inspired me as much recently, even to cough out a few lines here. -_-

Monday, February 8, 2010

haven't posted anything in the longest time. partly because i haven't been on my powerbook much these days since i've got my hands full with the ipod. (seriously thinking of getting an ipad for that matter) i just saw this on my friend's blog and like him, i am smitten by this track. :)