Friday, October 27, 2006

The Godfather II

What a beautiful tragedy. Highly recommended movie.

I removed the Godfather theme song that plays automatically. It's getting quite irritating.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lily Allen

A catchy tune she's got there. I wonder if I've heard it somewhere before. I've got to admit, I was caught by her sweet looks (on one of those music blogs under I've linked on the left) before I checked out her music. Apparently she's on a upward trajectory because of sizeable internet buzz like the Arctic Monkeys did. Cool..

Check out her music at

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Funny Video about the Yellow Peril

Been feeling like crap for the past few days. Strangely, this vid manages to life the spirits.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Something new..

I happened to see the 'moderate comments' link and realised that people actually read my blog and post comments. Thanks! The reason your comments didn't appear earlier was because I had turned on the moderating option before comments could be published.

Excerpt from the one comment that took me by surprise!

"...I was not unaware of the fact that people sat down after the first three songs (except the two brave dudes in the front), but I didn't take it as an f you from the audience." -Jammypack, Panda no Panda

Awesome. I'd only posted a brief rave on his performance during Baybeats and Mr. Jammypack actually bothered to leave a comment! Viva la Internet! I like unpretentious, weird bands even though we have so few of them here in Singapore. That's also another reason why fans wouldn't want their favourite obscure bands to sell out. (I'm afraid Panda no Panda is unlikely to shake up the mainstream anytime soon.. hurhur..)

Anyway.. those two brave dudes were lulu and I. ;p Again, great show. Ja mata! In NY or Tokyo where it'll be lots different, I'm sure.

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Three Stories from Steve Jobs

An inspirational speech given by Steve Jobs to the graduating class of Stanford University. It is about believing in yourself and pursuing your dreams. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 5, 2006

The Quiet American

I wrote the following observations on the movie 'The Quiet American' in a forum for my war history module:

This movie is so cool! Watching Pyle’s frustration in his last meeting with Fowler as he says ‘It’d be so much easier if I hadn’t met either of you’, alluding to the French and Vietnamese is so much more poignant than reading from books Lyndon Johnson calling the conflict a ‘bitch of a war’.
I also like the allegory of the French people as the angry conservative wife who “doesn’t believe in divorce”, stopping Fowler from marrying Phuong (or Phoenix rising from the ashes like the embittered Vietnamese fighting for liberation? Wow.. there’s no end to this!). It also alludes to France’s inability to divorce itself from its grand civilizing mission.
Finally, the film ends dramatically with Pyle’s death. He is dressed in white, representing the sincerity and virtue of America fight against the evils of communism. Also, while Pyle’s death symbolizes Kennedy’s assassination, the way he was stabbed to death alludes to Diem’s assassination. The news reports that follow immediately tells us of the escalation of U.S. involvement that followed after the assassinations. ☺

It was so much fun trying to decipher the allegories in the movie! History/movie buffs should not miss 'The Quiet American'! Now I understand why Jo loves literature. So chim...

What an awful lot of movies I'm watching this sem..

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

What's new?

So N.Korea's threatened to carry out nuclear weapons test yesterday. I feel like the girl in Sophie's World: events are strangely deja vu as I'm reading about post-WWII history. Coups, communist threats and wars. What's new? Don't believe anybody who says humankind learns from history.

Monday, October 2, 2006

Buddhist crisis '63

Been reading about Vietnam's history lately. I was quite surprised to see a familiar picture of a Buddhist monk in flames. It was actually used in the cover of RATM's groundbreaking self-titled album. The subsequent coup that happened after the Buddhist crisis in 1963 made me feel poignant too, considering the coup that just happened in Thailand. Some things never change.