Thursday, May 31, 2007

hono o daiko vid

I think it's Akemi Jige on the right. I was at one of her taiko workshops five years ago. Gosh, she's still as fit as ever!

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Oh man.. if i had a billion yen.. will i still outdo you in inanities?

Based on a real (stupid) story..

Thanks to thengz for making me recall wot a dumb arse you were! :)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Silly Primary 6 maths questions

My tutee was sick of the dreary repetitive Maths questions in his assessment books. So I tried adding a few drops of irrelevance into the usual questions to suit him. Surprisingly, he attempted them with some enthusiasm--either he liked colourful questions or he enjoyed putting his tutor go the extra mile to stretch his dollar. Here are the questions for your amusement.

1. A container has 2500cm(3) of Coca-Cola(tm). The base of the container is 25cm by 40cm. How high will the coke rise if I throw in 8 fishes, each having a volume of 350cm(3)?

2. The ratio of Ah Meng's weight to Spidey's weight is 3:1. Spidey's weight is 60% of the total weight between Spidey and Venom. Venom weighs 60kg. What is Ah Meng's weight?

3. Spongebob is running from Jurong to Yishun at 30km/h. At three quarters of the journey, Sonic overtakes him at 65km/h. Spongebob increases his speed to 40km/h and reaches Yishun 2.5hr after Sonic.
a) Find the distance of the journet.
b) Find Spongebob's average speed.

If you're bored enough to attempt them, the answers are: 1) 2.8cm; 2) 240kg; 3a) 1040km, b) 32km/h.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

nature and modernity

nature and modernity
Originally uploaded by Kobacabana.
This picture sucks but I like the architecture.


I am writing this 4am and little stoned from watching the Babel dvd. Brad Pitt. Unintended consequences. We are all connected to each other through our actions despite our differences. Different languages. Though we cannot understand each other perfectly, the greater irony is when we can't even when we speak the same language. I don't like the movie. It's sad, but I'm sure the director meant it that way. To see the world as it is in the eye even though we see and hear different things from the news. It's sad, but maybe it's the Kilkenny I drank or I just need to sleep. I refuse to believe the world is that screwed up and we can make it go away. I can't believe I just wrote that hippie emo shit. I'm going to sleep. :)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Midsummer Night's Dream Rocks!

Midsummer Night’s Dream at Fort Canning last Friday was such an amazingly fun experience. I have to admit I do not know nuts about Shakespeare nor theatre and I didn’t catch the Shakespearean English half the time. Thankfully it was an accessible romantic comedy and there was enough local flavour and slapstick to keep me engaged with laughter. I was especially captivated by Pyramus, the guy who turned into a donkey that the Fairy Queen fell deeply in love with. Watching it under the stars with some good friends and picnic added the icing to the play. We had delicious sushi, cookies, potato salad, konyaku jelly and brownies, and toasted, befitting the occasion, to a Japanese faux-haiku I made up there:

This summer many
things shall we do :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Originally uploaded by Kobacabana.
I will never forget my experience watching Phantom of the Opera in NY and falling asleep towards the end because I was too tired from jetlag!


Originally uploaded by Kobacabana.
A beautiful lake beside which I camped with friends while on roadtrip from Missouri to New York. I wish I remember the lake's name.. I got up early in the freezing morning for this shot and I've never seen such mist in my life before! Yep, it was worth the chill.

hey.. flickr's fun!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Doodle galore

I've put together a semester's worth of doodles drawn during the 'HR Management' class. I hope when my exam results are out I will not regret not paying attention in class. hurhur...

Spiderman3 at last..

Song from the movie's ending credits. If you found the movie corny, this music video will warm your heart. Hat-tip to wx for the mv. :)

Monday, May 7, 2007

singapore art museum

I was walking around the Bras Basah area trying to find Sculptor Square where Reg's friend held his art exhibition until I gave up and went to the singapore art museum to rest my tired legs. Chinese artist Zeng Fanzhi's "chaotic strokes" paintings were awesome, reminding me of McFarlane's Spiderman and Spawn. It's probably odd to compare high art with comic art and Zeng's art is like an amalgamation of both-caricatures surrounded by harrowing wild black strokes. Zeng applied this style on a Karl Marx portrait maybe suggesting that unfettered passions of idealism-the theme of his exhibition--can become scary dark forces. hmm.. Moving on the museum has some pretty outstanding works from the Southeast Asian region. My favourite among the collection on display are Affandi's works. He is an eminent Indonesian artist (1907-1990) who is hailed as "Indonesia's founding father of modern art". I particularly like his "modern" treatment of traditional Southeast Asians imagery like the rooster and swordfish, rendering them more abstract and yet at the same time incredibly expressive. I imagine it's his experience living through the World Wars and Indonesian independence that gives his art such a dark edge. But really, there's no need for such works to remind us of the harsh reality when there's hardly any good news anymore.

Couple of Affandi's works at artnet:
Short bio on Affandi at wiki:
Zeng Fanzhi's press release at channelnewsasia:

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Lao Zha Bor

This ah ma is just so funny and cute! Respect her for not conforming to the elderly stereotype! Go visit her blog for some laughs.

Leslie Kee Superstar exhibition

Too bored to do anything today so I went to the National Museum to check out what the buzz was about. I was quite reluctant to pay for the "national" exhibits and I was rather glad there were free exhibits, which didn't disappoint. Worth taking note is the Leslie Kee Superstar exhibition dedicated to the 2004 Asian Tsunami victims. The Tokyo-based Singaporean photographer couldn't go wrong with beautiful (East) Asian superstar models from Aaron Kwok to Zhang Ziyi, from actors to sumo wrestlers. The gallery was a splendid visual orgy of beautiful faces and great poses (my favourite being the samurai sword-wielding androgyne!) although a lot of it was stereotypical of popular culture. (Torn clothes, electric guitars, sultry faces... you get the hint.) After a while, it was too much eye candy and I had to leave.

Alas, the exhibition will only last another 2 days. Don't miss it!
SUPERSTARS EXHIBITION will open in the Singapore National Museum (93 Stamford Road) from 27 April until 4th May, 2007, 10AM-6PM, Free Admission.

For more info: