Sunday, May 13, 2007

Midsummer Night's Dream Rocks!

Midsummer Night’s Dream at Fort Canning last Friday was such an amazingly fun experience. I have to admit I do not know nuts about Shakespeare nor theatre and I didn’t catch the Shakespearean English half the time. Thankfully it was an accessible romantic comedy and there was enough local flavour and slapstick to keep me engaged with laughter. I was especially captivated by Pyramus, the guy who turned into a donkey that the Fairy Queen fell deeply in love with. Watching it under the stars with some good friends and picnic added the icing to the play. We had delicious sushi, cookies, potato salad, konyaku jelly and brownies, and toasted, befitting the occasion, to a Japanese faux-haiku I made up there:

This summer many
things shall we do :)

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