Friday, December 26, 2008

Of money

I am amazed at how versatile a tool Facebook can be. People don't simply poke and make friends, the philosophically-inclined can even post 'notes' and share their deepest inner conundrums. One such note belongs to my friend. It struck a chord with me, so much so it roused me from my blogging hibernation to say something about it.

The gist of her note is that a life spent on a shitty job with a shitty pay sucks. And life will be good if she can have all the fun she wants but reality dictates that she must work to be able to afford playtime. Yet the proverbial dream job-one that you both love and pays well enough-is elusive or at best in the reach of a select few.

I can empathise with her because I like the activities she likes: travelling, hiking, or enjoying the great outdoors in general. However, where I differ from her is that I think it is possible to make a good living doing the things one loves and enjoys. I don't have the answers but I believe it is possible and it only requires hard work and some ingenuity to get there.

To paraphrase my dear mentor: just ** it and enjoy life while it lasts!

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