Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Kobo gone Canto II

I've always found LeeHom's attempts to make China and Chinese-ness fist-pumping, head-bopping cool a tad corny. He reminds me of those Chinese chauvinists who put on a Bruce Lee growl yelling "Yellow Power!" or those who favour the analogy of the egg yolk: Prick it and the yellow will cover the world.

Don't get me wrong; I have nothing against them Chinese chauvinists. Besides, at the rate China's growing, it won't be long before it stands on its own as a measure of greatness. But to borrow my prof's favourite phrase, "East is East, West is West. Never the twine shall meet."

I mean, something like Chinese opera is an acquired taste, and as a kid, I hated it when my mom dragged me along to watch it. (I heard these days aunties chase idols like Korean idol Rain. In a way, I guess I was fortunate.)

Nonetheless, though i doubt nubile dancers, MTV nor R&B will change my taste in Chinese opera, i find myself liking these yo! ho! gungho! hua-ren rocks! LeeHOm songs in spite of myself. :p




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