Saturday, August 9, 2008

Chinese retro pop night

Over three thousand Chinese pop - Singapore xinyao pop to be exact - enthusiasts turned up for this huge outdoor singalong at the Creative Tech atrium last Saturday. My attendance was a serendipity. Faye gave me the ticket that belonged to her unlucky friend who was down with a bad stomach. I was the last candidate she considered handing over the ticket to.
"You're too young to like these songs. They're from a different era," she said.
She was wrong about the constitution of the audience; it cut across generations. The 40-plus uncle sitting beside me was, for that matter, singing hoarse his throat to the fare of xinyao songs, SBC serial drama theme songs and notably Liang Wenfu's songs.
So this is what a singalong is, I thought. A sea of karaoke aficionados singing along to a live band basically playing the minus-one track. Lyrics to the songs were even flashed on a giant screen for the clueless. Truly an eye-opener. I might have been swept over by nostalgia by some of the songs if not for some of the grating moments though. I wished the guest stars, who included Mavis Hee and that dude from DreamzFM, did more singing!
I guess the other History Boys (and JianHua) would have enjoyed the event way more than I do. They have already been singing some of those oldies during our K sessions.


  1. been looking forward to this review. return if the sky is cold next ?

  2. hey i love liang wen fu!!! do u have his cds? borrow?
    and nice capture of the audience.
    - "dan"
