Thursday, July 27, 2006


Every once in a while, I get hooked to a VCD series that I can't resist putting the next disc into the player. Even if it's the nth one. The latest series giving me such cliffhanger dilemma is the anime, Monster. With foresight, I only rent 6discs at a time to prevent VCD overdose.

The story tells of a genius neurosurgeon whose life is turned upside down when he saved a boy from a gunshot in the head. The extraordinary boy is in the centre of a series of mysterious murders, which the surgeon feels responsible for. .

Like the other widely-acclaimed series, Ghost in the Shell, Monster is laden with deep questions for the attentive audience. For example, by what measure can we attribute one's evil deeds to him or he? Do we also factor in family background and society in our judgement?

According to wiki, New Line Cinema is adapting the series for Hollywood. Hmm.. I can't wait.

Official Monster site

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