Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Wondering what the hell to do with your life?

You might be able to get an idea or two from 43things.com. This site has over a million posts about the things people want to do. I find it refreshing to see the simple and down-to-earth aspirations like 'improve my handwriting' and 'design my own tattoo' from around the world. It's a lot more real than the 'live your life with purpose' literature that's topping bestseller lists, and you can even talk to those who are doing what you want to. The quirkiest thing I came across was 'learn to strip' so I'm sure there's something for everyone. As for me, I want to paint my room but I'm better off tidying it up first. ;p

link: www.43things.com

1 comment:

  1. what do you want to do with your life?

    eventually? Die i guess...
